I know, I know. Why on earth am I posting about the State of the Union? A few reasons. It's important. As a child, ages 5-18, we always talked about it in some way shape or form in school. I'm a Social Studies, History geek. It's important. Whether you "like" or "dislike" the President, he had some good points. It's important. Have I said that enough? Alright you get the point. I'll spare you my personal thoughts on the actual address, but I did watch the whole thing and I did listen. But there are some things that you may find of use for discussions on the State of the Union.
(Image created using Tagxedo. I took the words of the address, copy and paste them into Tagxedo, chose the US as a shape and there you go. An instant word cloud that shows the most commonly used words in bold.)
Happy New Year and welcome to 2012! 2012 brings much anticipation and speculation for the world and also the United States as it is a Presidential election year. So if you are looking for some information on the candidates and up to date information check out this site FiveThirtyEight. FiveThirtyEight a site all about numbers and is pretty cool. You'll also find links to the Primary Calendar, Poll Watch and various other information. This will be first of many posts that focus on the election this year, so be sure to check back!